Dr. SRIKANTH BELLARY Aston University & University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr. Deepak Chandrajay York and Scarborough NHS Foundation Trust Professor Pratik Choudhary University of Leicester Professor Daniel Cuthbertson University of Liverpool / University Hospital Aintree Dr. Charlotte Dawson University Hospitals Birmingham Professor Ketan Dhatariya Norfolk and Norwich Hospitals Dr. Jackie Elliott Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Professor Mark Evans University of Cambridge/ Cambridge University Hospitals Dr. Amy Harrison King's College London Associate Professor Angus Jones University of Exeter Mr. Niraj Lakhani Willows Health Professor Dileep Lobo Professor Alex Miras Ulster University Professor Helen Murphy University of East Anglia Associate Professor Katharine Owen University of Oxford Professor Eleanor Scott University of Leeds and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Professor Robert Semple University of Edinburgh Dr. Marietta Stadler King's College Professor David Strain University of Exeter Medical School Dr. Garry Tan OCDEM, Oxford University Hospitals Dr. Stephen Thomas Guy’s & St Thomas’ Professor Jonathan Valabhji Imperial College London and Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Dr. Prashanth Vas King’s Health Partners – Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Dr. Martin Whyte King's College Hospital, London Dr. Emma Wilmot University of Nottingham