ABCD Closed-Loop Audit
ABCD Closed-Loop Audit
This is the NEW tool for individuals commencing closed-loop outside of the NHS England pilot. This could be in connection with the new NICE Technology Appraisals or individuals using closed-loop already for previous indications. For individuals wishing to submit follow-up data for the NHS England Pilot please follow this link: Click here
Following the success of our existing audits in diabetes technology, including the audit of the NHS England closed loop pilot, this audit of closed-loop users is planned to launch to coincide with the new NICE Technology Appraisal and broader access to this vital technology.
About the ABCD DTN-UK Closed-Loop audit
A secure online tool is currently being built for the collection of data in this audit. In the meantime, Centres with closed loop users can collect data using the baseline and follow up forms in paper format (see links on the below) ready to enter in bulk into the online tool once it becomes available. We would encourage centres to collect data prospectively using these forms. You will be informed as soon as the online tool is available which should be in the spring of 2024. The baseline and follow-up forms can also be used for retrospective data collection of those already using closed-loop systems and that data can also be added to the on-line tool.
Web-based audit tool
The online audit tool will be held on the Health and Social Care Network (HSCN - formerly called N3) – the internal NHS IT system. All data is anonymous, encrypted and GDPR compliant. As this audit is on HSCN, it can only be accessed from an NHS computer system. The tool will facilitate both local analysis and nationwide data analysis.
Structure of the audit – centres and sites
For this audit the concept of centres and sites is utilised in the same way as in the other ABCD audits. Typically, a centre might be an NHS Trust. Sites might be hospitals associated with that Trust. Designated centre leads can download their local anonymised data for analysis.
Caldicott Guardian approval
The ABCD nationwide audit programme has Caldicott Guardian approval. The programme is audit not research. The NHS encourages audit of clinical practice and there are strict guidelines which we follow, in particular that we only to collect data from routine clinical practice, and analysis is of data which is anonymised.
Clinical Audit Leads
Dr Emma Wilmot, Derby
Dr Bob Ryder, Birmingham
Dr Tom Crabtree, Derby
Dr Alex Liarakos, Derby
Dr Alistrair Lumb, Oxford
Professor Pratik Choudhary, Leicester
Collect data on-line or via paper forms
The on-line audit tool is intended to be easy to use such that live data entry in clinic is a real option to be considered. Alternatively, if preferred, to facilitate data collection during clinics there are paper forms which exactly match the data that can be entered into the audit tool. The baseline registration form should be completed alongside a follow-up form if being completed retrospectively. You can download and print these forms locally via the link (see links below to download the forms).
Audit Objectives
To see the audit objectives as they were when the audit was launched click here
Further information
The Further enquiries may be made to the ABCD nationwide audits database administrator of the project.
Papers, abstracts, presentations, posters and webcasts emanating from the audit
Click here to see the output from the audit as it evolves. The names of all the contributors will be found in the presentation slides and in the published papers.