The Association of British Clinical Diabetologists
The Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) is the national organisation of Consultant Physicians in Britain who specialise in Diabetes Mellitus.
Upcoming events
Rowan Hillson Inpatient Diabetes Award for 2024 Winner
Dr. Omar Mustafa,
The Rowan Hillson Inpatient Diabetes Award for 2024 was awarded to Dr Vishakha Bansiya and team (Cambridge) for their project entitled “Pilot real world implementation of fully closed loop insulin…
7th Joint Meeting of ABCD & UKKA
We are delighted to invite the submission of abstracts for the 7th Joint Meeting of ABCD and the UK Kidney Association. Abstracts should be related to the care of people with diabetes and…
ABCD audits at EASD in Madrid
Dr. Bob Ryder, Consultant Diabetologist,
The ABCD audit programme was prominent at the recent EASD in Madrid with three presentations. In a short oral presentation, Dr Emma Wilmot presented data showing that in the ABCD NHS England pilot…
Diabetes and glucocorticoids research supported by an ABCD grant makes headlines
A new study which found that diabetes risk increases after glucocorticoids has made headlines, including a feature on the BBC news site. Researchers in the Radcliffe Department of Medicine’s…
Become a Member
The Association of British Clinical Diabetologists is the national organisation of Consultant Physicians in Britain who specialise in Diabetes Mellitus. Most are also Acute General Physicians, and many are also Specialists in Endocrinology and Lipid Metabolism.