Dr. Jackie Elliott

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Sheffield
Jackie Elliott was appointed as a Senior Clinical Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Diabetes at the University of Sheffield in 2013. Her current research interests include complex interventions to examine the best way in which to deliver education to different patient groups, for example to those with Type 1 diabetes (DAFNE – Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating), young people (WICKED – Working with Insulin, Carbs, Ketones and Exercise in Diabetes), and how best to integrate technology. Another project is to develop methods of economically evaluating self-management (HASMiD – Health and Self-Management in Diabetes). She is proud to be part of a clinical team that has won awards for their newly diagnosed Type 1 pathway, improving outcomes in the young persons clinic and outreach University clinics. She is the diabetes clinical lead in Sheffield and runs MDT specialist clinics for pump / CGM users, adolescents / university students, and also a specialist hypoglycaemia unawareness clinic. Jackie serves as Chair on the national DAFNE executive board and is a member of the Diabetes Technology Network UK committee.