Professor Eleanor Scott

University of Leeds and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Leeds
As Professor of Diabetes and Maternal Health, Eleanor leads the Diabetes in Pregnancy service in Leeds and has been involved in shaping services in Diabetes care through roles that include: NICE Quality Standards Advisory Committee for Diabetes in Pregnancy; NHS England CGM for DIP Implementation group chair; NHS Diabetes Regional Clinical Network Chair; NHS Diabetes National Network Steering Committee; NPID Audit steering committee, NDA partnership board; RCP Joint Specialty Committee for D&E. She integrates delivering clinical care with performing clinical research leading the successful translational multi-disciplinary research group TIME (Temporal Influences on Metabolic Effects). Current clinical research (funded by MRC, NIHR and DUK) focuses on using new technologies to understand and improve 24 hour glucose control in women with diabetes in pregnancy.
Twitter: Prof Eleanor Scott@TIME_research
Twitter: Prof Eleanor Scott@TIME_research