Aston University & University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham
Dr Bellary is a Reader in Metabolic Medicine at the Aston University and a Hon. Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK. His clinical interests include obesity and diabetic kidney disease. His research expertise includes the effects of obesity and diabetes on ageing, diabetes in the youth, new therapies for diabetes and new health care delivery models for people with diabetes. He was instrumental in developing the Solihull Integrated Diabetes Model (SOLID). He is also and is the chair of Pan Birmingham Diabetes Network and works closely with Diabetes UK. He was one of the 12 National Diabetes UK clinical champions in 2014. Dr Bellary has published in many reputed journals including the Lancet, Diabetes Care, Diabetologia and Diabetic Medicine and is a senior editorial board member of BMC Endocrine disorders and Deputy Editor-in-chief for Therapeutic advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism.