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Events - Archive

How will recent developments in obesity management change obesity services

How will recent developments in obesity management change obesity servicesTuesday 23rd November 2021, 19.00 - 20.00

In this webinar Alex Miras and an expert panel will discuss the optimal ways that obesity care should be provided in the UK…

DTN-UK Educational Webinar: Getting the best from Hybrid closed loop systems – tips for optimisation

This event is for UK Healthcare Professionals Only
Join us on Friday 12th November, from 0930 - 1230 for Getting the best from Hybrid closed loop systems – tips for optimisation
Webinar Programme
9.30 Overview of each system & the…

EXTOD 2021 Conference: Exercise and Nutrition in Type 1 Diabetes


We are delighted to invite you once again to the annual Exercise for Type 1 Diabetes (EXTOD) conference. We will continue the online format from last year, holding them on consecutive Wednesday evenings through October, November, and December 2021.…

ABCD DTN-UK Meeting 2021

Join us for the Annual Meeting of the ABCD Diabetes Technology Network!
The 2021 meeting will be run on a virtual platform.
This is the premier UK meeting for healthcare professionals dedicated to diabetes technology and we look forward to…

Hybrid-closed loop Part 3 of 3: Reviewing data and troubleshooting hybrid closed loops

Reviewing data and troubleshooting hybrid closed loops
Wednesday 8th September 2021, 17.00 - 18.30

In anticipation of wider hybrid-closed loop (also known as artificial pancreas systems) use in the NHS and NHSE hybrid-closed…

Webinar: Supporting people with type 1 diabetes and an eating disorder

Supporting people with type 1 diabetes and an eating disorder Thursday 2nd September 2021, 5:00pm - 6:00pm

This is the seventh of our 2021 ABCD webinar series which run on the first Thursday of each month.
In this webinar, Marietta …

Hybrid-closed loop Part 2 of 3: Initiating hybrid closed loop's in clinic

Initiating hybrid closed loop's in clinic
Wednesday 18th August 2021, 17.00 - 18.30

In anticipation of wider hybrid-closed loop (also known as artificial pancreas systems) use in the NHS and NHSE hybrid-closed loop pilot,…

Hybrid-closed loop Part 1 of 3: Overview of hybrid closed loops - key concepts, options available and choosing the right system

Overview of hybrid closed loops - key concepts, options available and choosing the right system
Wednesday 21st July 2021, 17.00 - 18.30

In anticipation of wider hybrid-closed loop (also known as artificial pancreas systems) …

ABCD NDCMP Mentor and Mentee Orientation Workshop

This meeting will run as a virtual event. 
The National Diabetes Consultant Mentorship Programme (NDCMP) is a UK-wide initiative providing mentorship for newly-appointed consultants in the speciality of diabetes and endocrinology. The purpose…

Webinar: Diabetic Dyslipidaemia – beyond statins

Diabetic Dyslipidaemia – beyond statinsThursday 1st July 2021, 5:00pm - 6:00pm

This is the sixth of our 2021 ABCD webinar series which run on the first Thursday of each month.
Statins have demonstrated proven benefit in the reduction of…

ASO Webinar: Weight Stigma: Insights from Research, Practice and Experience

The intention of this webinar is to provide attendees with a multidisciplinary overview of the current and upcoming challenges of working in the prevention and treatment of obesity without unintentionally increasing weight stigma.
18:00 – 19:30,…

MDT management of people with obesity

MDT management of people with obesityThursday 13th May 2021, 18.30 - 19.30

In the final webinar in this series focusing on obesity, hosted by ABCD and GIRFT and supported by Novo Nordisk Ltd, this session brings together experienced Physician, GP…