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DPC Summer Forum - ADA in Practice

The DPC Summer Forum - ADA into practice will decipher the main outcomes from the ADA Scientific Conference.

This series of digital panel sessions is designed for all healthcare professionals from the diabetes MDT - in line with Diabetes Professional Care’s core objective of bringing together the entire diabetes healthcare community. 

The Summer Forum will be a CPD accredited, free to access digital series of five online sessions made up of interactive panel discussions and debates with leading UK KOLs.

ABCD Spring Meeting, Solihull, 2013, abstract 1

1 Combined insulin and liraglutide therapy is associated with metabolic improvement and reduction in insulin dose in commonly prescribed insulin regimens: an ABCD liraglutide audit analysis

Piya Sen Gupta1,2, Ken-Yang Thong1, Robert EJ Ryder1on behalf of the ABCD liraglutide audit contributors.

1Departments of Diabetes, City Hospital, Birmingham UK

2Department of Diabetes, King’s College London, UK