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DUK 2017b Poster REVISE

The interaction of endoscopic proximal intestinal exclusion therapy using Endobarrier with GLP-1 therapy rapidly improves type 2 diabetes by increasing fasting and postprandial satiety.


P Sen Gupta, RS Drummond, BM McGowan, B Hayee, T Dew, RP Vincent, CW le Roux, JJ Holst, SA Amiel, REJ Ryder

DUK 2021 Poster Endobarrier

EndoBarrier treatment for longstanding type 2 diabetes and obesity: Outcomes one-year after EndoBarrier in 90 consecutively treated patients


REJ Ryder, P Sen Gupta, SP Irwin, W Burbridge, T Bashir, MC Wyres, ML Cull, JP Bleasdale, RA Allden, EN Fogden, M Anderson and M Yadagiri