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EASD 2022 SGLT2 Slides

Sodium-glucose link transporter-2 inhibitors in reduced renal function: Cross-class comparison from the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) audits.


TSJ Crabtree, A Bickerton, K Dhatariya, A Gallagher, J Elliott, R Raghavan, IW Gallen, REJ Ryder on behalf of all ABCD SGLT2 audit contributors.

EASD 2022 Semaglutide ALT Poster

The effect of semaglutide on alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels: results from the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) nationwide audit.


TSJ Crabtree, DK Sennik, A Bickerton, D Barnes, S Sivappriyan, K Adamson, SM Phillips, A Evans, N Larsen, A Panesar, ML Cull,  IW Gallen, IR Idris, REJ Ryder on behalf of all ABCD Semaglutide audit contributors

ATTD Predict70 Poster

Factors predicting achievement of recommend time-in-range at 6-months postcommencement amongst closed-loop users with elevated baseline HbA1c levels.


TSJ Crabtree, TP Griffin, P Narendran, G Gallen, J Elliott, YW Yap, A Lumb, P Hammond, REJ Ryder, P Choudhary, EG Wilmot on behalf of all ABCD Closed-Loop Audit contributors.

ATTD HighA1c Poster

Changes in HbA1c and sensor glucometrics 6-months following HCL commencement in individuals with HbA1c³86mmol/mol: Sub-analysis from the ABCD Closed-Loop audit of the NHS England Pilot.


TSJ Crabtree TP Griffin, P Narendran, MA Karamat, G Gallen, J Elliott, Z Bawlchhim, A Chapman, A Lumb, P Hammond, REJ Ryder, P Choudhary, EG Wilmot on behalf of all ABCD Closed-Loop Audit contributors.

ATTD 2023 Omnipod Poster

Who is using the OmniPod® DASH in the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) Audit: An interim report of baseline characteristics.


TSJ Crabtree, M Haq, E Gatdula, N Hassan, J Varghese, K Bull, A Lumb, L Leelarathna, P Narendran, S Hussain, F Gibb, P Hammond, P Choudhary, EG Wilmot on behalf of all ABCD Worldwide Omnipod Audit contributors.