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ABCD EndoBarrier Worldwide Registry

EndoBarrier (also known as Duodenal-Jejunal Bypass Liner (DJBL) or RESET®) is a 60cm tube-like liner made from a thin, flexible and durable impermeable polymer. It is inserted by an endoscopy and prevents food that passes through it from contacting the first two feet of small bowel intestine. In clinical trials it leads to weight loss and improved glycaemic control and may become a useful treatment option in the future.

End of end of year message from the ABCD Chair

Although we have emerged from the grips of the Covid pandemic, we are all seeing challenging waves of influenza and Strep A related illnesses. We work in an environment of severe workforce constraints and industrial action on a background of financial worries.

Yet, we have had opportunities this year to physically connect with one another in person and to realise how much talent there is within our membership and the diabetes society as a whole.