New insights into vascular disease in DM
Presented at the ABCD Spring Meeting 2018 by Professor Naveed Sattar, Glasgow.
Presented at the ABCD Spring Meeting 2018 by Professor Naveed Sattar, Glasgow.
Don’t miss out! The morning sessions of the third ABCD Clinical and Commissioning News-Live event ‘Innovation into ICS/STP Implementation’ held on 12th July are now available on line as a webcast, but only until 11th August. Those who were able to attend the event in London, Wetherby and Taunton gave it very good feedback and would recommend to others.
Dr Bob Young, Diabetes UK
Dr Emma Wilmot, IPN-UK Chair
Dr Emma Wilmot
Consultant Diabetologist
Professor Stephen W. Ponder MD, FAAP, CDE
Dr. Alistair Lumb
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Peter Hammond
Consultant Physician
Harrogate District Hospital
John Pickup
King’s College London Faculty of Medicine Guy’s Hospital, London