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Standards of care for management of adults with type 1 diabetes 2017

The 2020 update of Standards of care for management of adults with type 1 diabetes is now available.

ABCD believes that while care for those with type 1 diabetes may take place in different settings, that care should be of a universally high standard, and should explicitly involve access to consultant-led specialist teams, experienced in the management of type 1 diabetes.

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of Lipids in Adults with Diabetes Mellitus and Nephropathy and/or Chronic Kidney Disease

Cardiovascular disease is a key contributor to excess morbidity and premature mortality in diabetes and chronic kidney disease is an independent and major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Lipids are a modifiable risk factor and good lipid management offers improved outcomes for diabetic patients with concomitant renal disease. This report provides a detailed rationale in association with the guidelines, as well as recommendations for clinical audit and outstanding questions for further research. 

Hypertension, RAA blockade in diabetes and kidney disease

A significant percentage of patients with diabetes develop chronic kidney disease (CKD), and diabetes is also a leading cause of end-stage renal disease.  More than a quarter of patients who are on dialysis in the UK have diabetes.  Diabetic kidney disease is associated with high morbidity and mortality, which are predominantly related to cardiovascular complications and the progression of kidney disease that requires renal replacement therapy. Hypertension is a modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular complications and progression of CKD.3

New ABCD honorary treasurer

After canvassing the membership interest from four excellent candidates was expressed and an election was held.  I am delighted to announce that Dr Andy Macklin was successfully elected and will be shadowing Tony Robinson, our current treasurer, for the next few months before taking over in the spring.   

Our sincere thanks go to Dr Tony Robinson for all his hard work, dedication and pragmatism, following a very successful 4 years in post. 

News from the APPG for Diabetes


APPG for Diabetes Meeting on the Childhood Obesity Plan

A meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Diabetes took place to discuss where the current Childhood Obesity Strategy has been effective and also ineffective. Speakers included were:

NHS England highlights progress in commissioning local diabetes services

NHS England has published the Clinical Commissioning Group Improvement and Assessment Framework (CCGIAF) results for local diabetes services in 2016/17. The Framework shows how local CCGs are performing against criteria across a number of therapeutic areas and rates CCGs accordingly. In 2016/17, 86 CCGs were rated good or outstanding for diabetes services, an increase of 26 on the previous year.