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Exenatide Audit ABCD London Autumn 2010b - Poster

Problems with the NICE guideline for exenatide exposed in the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) Nationwide Exenatide Audit

R.E.J. Ryder1, K.Y. Thong1, M.L. Cull1, A.P. Mills1, C. Walton2, K.A. Adamson3, D.S.Dove4 on behalf of the ABCD nationwide exenatide audit contributors

1Diabetes, City Hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom

2Diabetes, Hull Royal Infirmary, Hull, United Kingdom

Exenatide Audit ABCD London Autumn 2010a - Poster

16.6% (1 in 6) patients who continued insulin at the time of exenatide start came off insulin in the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) Nationwide Exenatide Audit

K.Y. Thong1, B. Jose1, N. Sukumar1, M.L. Cull1, A. Mills1, T. Sathyapalan2, W. Shafiq2, A. Rigby2, C. Walton2, R.E.J. Ryder1, on behalf of the ABCD nationwide exenatide audit contributors

1Diabetes, City Hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Exenatide Audit IDF Montreal 2009 - Poster

Factors accounting for variability in weight and HbA1c response to exenatide in the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) nationwide exenatide audit

R.E.J. Ryder1 , C. Walton2 , P.H. Winocour3 , ABCD nationwide exenatide audit contributors4

1City Hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom

2Hull Royal Infirmary, Hull, United Kingdom

3Queen Elizabeth II Hospital, Welwyn Garden City

4numerous other hospitals and diabetes centres, United Kingdom