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The YDEF Marjorie Prize

The Young Diabetologist and Endocrinologist Forum committee are very pleased to be able to announce the Marjorie Prize. A little known hero in the discovery of insulin was Marjorie the dog who was the first animal to ever be injected with the drug that has transformed and saved so many lives since it’s discovery 100 years ago!

JBDS enteral feeding forms review - we need your help

We are contacting you on behalf of the Joint British Diabetes Societies (JBDS) for inpatient care group. We are currently undertaking a review of our guideline "Glycaemic management during enteral feeding in stroke" and as part of this are reaching out to secondary care providers for help. While there is some evidence available, we would like to scope what current national practice is when providing glycaemic support for patient with diabetes or hyperglycaemia, regardless of reason for admission, during enteral feeding.