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National Diabetes in Pregnancy Audit 2015

Good preparation for pregnancy in women with diabetes is well recognised to improve outcomes for mother and baby. So it is with some concern that we read in the recent National Diabetes in Pregnancy (NPID) report 2015 that only 46% of women with Type 1 and 23% with Type 2 were even taking recommended 5mg folic acid prior to conception. Rather fewer had good glycaemic control by current recommended targets, just 16% of Type 1 and 38% of women with Type 2 diabetes.

NHS England planning guidance for 2017-2019

NHS England has announced in its planning guidance for 2017-2019 an investment of £40 million per year for at least two years for diabetes.  Details of how to bid for a share of this have yet to be announced, but the topics will reflect the NHSE priorities - improving uptake of structured education; improving access to specialist inpatient support and to a multi-disciplinary foot team for people with diabetic foot disease; and improving the achievement of the NICE recommended treatment targets whilst driving down variation between CCGs.  Get drafting your proposals and get talking

Webcast of 1-year results of ABCD Endobarrier Study On 12 June 2016 the 1-year results of the REVISE-Diabesity research study of Endobarrier treatment, including an assessment of the impact on 10-year cardiovascular risk, were presented at the 76th Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association in New Orleans, USA, by the study’s Chief Investigator, Dr Bob Ryder.  The headline results were that in the Endobarrier with l

HypoAwareness Week

The annual campaign to raise awareness of hypoglycaemia in the UK by educating healthcare professionals will take place between Monday, October 3, and Sunday, October 9.

The theme for this year is optimum control and the autumn awareness drive is calling for the best possible control of diabetes to avoid hypos.

As well as the customary secondary care focus, primary care professionals are also invited to register as part of a wider campaign for 2016.

Diabetes UK State of the Nation report

Diabetes UK launched the 2016 State of the Nation report at the House of Commons on 13th July amid the Westminster bustle of David Cameron’s final Prime Minister’s questions (PMQ)  and the fevered anticipation of who would be in Mrs May’s cabinet.  The event was well supported with several MPs arriving after PMQ.   The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP (Secretary of State for Health) described strategies being implemented to preven