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Scottish government announces funding for diabetes

On 11/12/16, the Scottish Government announced an additional £10 million funding for Type 1 diabetes. The funding is to increase pump provision over the next 5 years and provide CGM to priority groups of patients including those with severe hypoglycaemia.
The Scottish Government has also published its draft budget for 2017-18. In this they commit to a new national outcome for type 2 diabetes and announce the intention to consult on a new strategy on diet and obesity.

Manufacturers set to reduce glucose content of Lucozade

As mentioned in Rob Gregory’s excellent Christmas Chair’s bulletin (See HERE), the manufacturers of Lucozade have recently given notice of their intentions to reduce its glucose content. The timing coincides with national plans for a sugar tax and with plans for reformulation around implementation of the Childhood Obesity Plan. This will therefore require a different volume when Lucozade is used for oral glucose tolerance testing  (OGTT).