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1 week to go - nominate your colleagues for a QiC Diabetes 2019 award - closing date 31 July

Quality in Care Diabetes 2019

Award nominations open, recognise your colleagues today

Open for nomination until 31 July

Do you have a local diabetes healthcare professional who has succeeded in raising standards of care over and above their day to day role?

And/or someone who has a clear patient focus and is seen as a champion for education in their area?

JBDS New document : A good Inpatient Diabetes Service

A good inpatient diabetes service is a summary of best practice in adult inpatient diabetes care, based on the suite of Joint British Diabetes Societies (JBDS) for Inpatient Care guidelines which have been published since 2011.

As well as featuring previous JBDS guidance in summary chapters linked to policy and other documents, the master document also includes material on safe prescribing, recommended DISN staff numbers, and what we need to do to develop good, safe, inpatient diabetes services.