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NDA 2018-19, Type 1 diabetes, specialist services

We are all passionate about Technology for Type 1. Taking tech forward depends on getting a comprehensive picture of Type 1 care. If every specialist Type 1 service takes part in the 2018-19 NDA (not just the pump sub-section) it can be done this year. But there are just 2 months to submit 2018-19 data. First reports expected in November. Every service can do it. Please look at the attachments below and if needs be contact your Trust for support.

Preventing amputations major concern as diabetes numbers rise

New data from the Diabetes Foot Care Profiles, published by PHE’s National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network reveals overall number of lower limb amputations continues to rise increasing with white males having the highest.  7,545 major amputations between 2015 and 2018 compared with 6,957 between 2012 to 2015.  The overall number of major amputations is increasing, as the number of people diagnosed with diabetes rises, but the rate among people with diabetes is not significantly increasing.

Become a regional advisor for the RCP

Here is the opportunity to become a regional advisor for the RCP and get a unique insight into your local area.

The post is unremunerated, which may deter some, however it can be counted as CPD and brings other intangible benefits such seeing job descriptions from other Trust and ensuring that potential consultant colleagues are supported in their roles.

It also gives the opportunity to canvas your local colleague to complete the annual work force survey that provides vital data to help champion our speciality.

Launch of the ABCD nationwide semaglutide audit at Diabetes UK

Today at Diabetes UK, ABCD is pleased to announce the full launch of the nationwide semaglutide audit. As you will know, the clinical trials with semaglutide suggest that it is more effective than the other GLP-1 receptor agonists that we have to date, and it is now of interest for us to find out to what extent the experience in clinical trials translates into the real world.

ABCD nationwide FreeStyle Libre audit shows improved diabetes control in people with Type 1 diabetes during the first 6 months of usage

Press release:

Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) nationwide audit of  the FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring System (Abbott Laboratories) shows improved diabetes control in people with Type 1 diabetes during the first 6 months of usage

Embargoed till 12.30 Hrs on Wednesday 6th June 2019

Release of  “Consensus position statement for Remission of Type 2 diabetes", prepared jointly with Primary Care Diabetes Society

ABCD is delighted to announce the release of  “Consensus position statement for Remission of Type 2 diabetes, prepared jointly with Primary Care Diabetes Society” 

We understand the importance of this consensus definition and have asked other organisations to work with us to achieve an international consensus on defining remission of type 2 diabetes.