Rowan Hillson Inpatient Diabetes Awards 2025
Are you at the forefront of inpatient diabetes care and demonstrating innovation? Shine a light on your team's achievements with the Rowan Hillson Inpatient Diabetes Award 2025. This prestigious national award has been running since 2014 and awards excellence in inpatient diabetes care.
Submission form available from here
We are looking for innovations that demonstrate one or more of the following
- Empower People with Diabetes: Does your programme prioritise autonomy, education, and self-management skills of people with diabetes?
- Demonstrate Value and Impact: Can you quantify the positive impact your work has on patient outcomes, healthcare costs, and value-based healthcare?
- Encourage Collaboration: Does your team embrace interdisciplinary partnerships and shared decision-making fostering ongoing collaboration and knowledge sharing?
- Hold Scalability Potential: Can your innovative approach be adapted and implemented in other settings while maintaining its effectiveness?
- Demonstrate Sustainability: Showcase how your programme is designed for long-term success, considering factors like resource allocation, staff training, and community engagement.
This JBDS-IP project is led by Dr Umesh Dashora. The submissions will be judged against criteria by an independent panel chaired by Dr Rowan Hillson MBE FRCP, former National Clinical Director for Diabetes at the Department of Health.
- Winner £350
- Runner-up £150
Deadline for submissions 29th June 2025
Submission form
Presentation at the ABCD/DTN Autumn conference 2025
- The winning teams will be invited to present their innovations at the next ABCD/DTN Conference.
- ABCD offers free conference registration, complimentary places at the conference dinner, accommodation for one night and travel expenses for 2 team members from the winning and runner-up teams.
- The outcome of this initiative will be published on the ABCD, Diabetes UK and DISN UK Group websites to share excellent practice.
- The winners will be invited to submit their entries for publication at the British Journal of Diabetes.
Omar Mustafa, Chair, Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care (JBDS-IP) group
Ketan Dhatariya, Chair, Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD)
2024 Winners
Winners: Dr Vishakha Bansiya & team (Dr. Charlotte Boughton, Sara Hartnell, Dr. Aideen Daly, Candice Ward, and the Diabetes Outreach Team - inpatient diabetes specialist nurses and specialist dieticians, Caroline Taylor) - Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (Cambridge)
Pilot real world implementation of fully closed loop insulin pump for inpatient glycaemic management in patients with non-type 1 diabetes
Runner up: Dr Helen Partridge & team (Jacqueline Ryder, Nicola Stacey, Claire Pinder, Dr Carla Figuereido, Lindsey Rouse, Becca Smith, Zainab Abdul Raheem) - University Hospitals Dorset with Dorset all age eating disorders service (Bournemouth)
Inpatient diabetes management and support of people with type 1 diabetes and disordered eating T1DE in an eating disorders unit
2023 Best innovation to improve patient safety when discharging from hospital
Winner: Dr Chung Thong Lim and colleagues at Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
A new online patient flagging system for effective and safe diabetes patients’ follow-up when discharged from hospital. Further details in this article published in the British Journal of Diabetes.
Runner up: Emma Green and colleagues at Derriford hospital, University Hospitals Plymouth
2022 The best interventions: Redesigning, rebuilding, and maintaining safe inpatient diabetes care during COVID
Winner: Dr Punith Kempegowda on behalf of the DEKODE team, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
An innovative quality improvement project across hospitals during COVID to improve diabetes-related ketoacidosis (DKA) management and study DKA in people with COVID. Further details in this article published in the British Journal of Diabetes.
Highly Commended: Dr Adrian Li, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
2019 Best Perioperative Pathway for People with Diabetes
Winner: Dr David Burckett-St.Laurent, Consultant anaesthetist, Aneurin Bevin University Health Board
- 2019 Winning Submission
- Supporting materials:
- Pre-operative Assessment Clinic
- Cards and Posters for ward
- Charts for use on wards
- Service Evaluation and Audit
Runner-up: Dr Nicola Leech, The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
2018 Best Inpatient Educational Programme for Health Care Professionals
Winner: Dr Kath Higgins, Consultant in Diabetes Care, Clinical Lead for Inpatient Diabetes Care, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
- 2018 Winning Submission
- 2018 Supporting Document 1
- 2018 Supporting Document 2
- 2018 Supporting Document 3
- 2018 Supporting Document 4
- 2018 Supporting Document 5
- 2018 Supporting Document 6
- 2018 Supporting Document 7
- 2018 Supporting Document 8
2017 Improving Inpatient Diabetes Safety: Best Digital Initiative
Winner: Dr Stuart Ritchie, Consultant Physician, Western General Hospital, NHS Lothian
2016 Best joint pharmacy and diabetes team initiative to improve insulin and prescribing safety in hospital
Winners (2):
Dr Suma Sugunendran, Consultant Endocrinology and Diabetes and colleagues, Royal Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- 2016 Winning Submission Sugunendran
- 2016 Sugunendran Supporting Document 1
- 2016 Sugunendran Supporting Document 2
Sallianne Kavanagh, Health Education Leadership Fellow and colleagues: Safer Diabetes / Lead Clinical Pharmacist-diabetes,Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS FT
- 2016 Winning Submission Kavanagh
- 2016 Kavanagh Supporting Document 1
- 2016 Kavanagh Supporting Document 2
- 2016 Kavanagh Supporting Document 3
- 2016 Kavanagh Supporting Document 4
2015 Best UK Inpatient Hypoglycaemia Avoidance Initiative
Winner: Dr Gerry Rayman, Dr Rajesh Rajendran, Christopher Kelly, Sarah Barker, Rachael Round, Anne Scott and the DICE Team, The Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust
- 2015 Winning Submission
- 2015 Supporting Document 1
- 2015 Supporting Document 2
- 2015 Supporting Document 3
2014 Best in class’ insulin prescription chart
Winner: Dr Jenny Clayton, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust