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An update from JBDS and Diabetes UK at DUK 2020

Olivia Burr from DUK and Prof Ketan Dhatariya will be chairing a session at the Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2020 entitled “Inpatient Care for People with Diabetes: An update from JBDS and Diabetes UK”

In this session you will be updated with what JBDS has been doing for the last few months, and what they hope to do in the coming months. Olivia will also be talking about what is happening with her work with the RCP on accrediting inpatient diabetes services.

ACCEA Awards 2020

As many of you will have seen the dates for the 2020 ACCEA round for clinical excellence awards have been delayed. It now opens on 13th March and closes on 7th May 2020. Professor Stephen Bain is happy to receive copies of applications for national awards in order to rank them for ABCD support (to be received by 6 April 2020).  Copies must be submitted direct to Professor Bain no later than 6 April 2020.


Managing frailty and associated comorbidities in older adults with diabetes: Position Statement on behalf of the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD)


1 Foundation for Diabetes Research in Older People (FDROP), Diabetes Frail Ltd, Luton, UK
2 University Hospitals Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester, UK

This Position Statement on the management of frailty in diabetes mellitus represents a timely initiative by the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) to address the important issue of frailty and its association with diabetes.

JBDS Rowan Hillson Inpatient Safety Award 2019 - Best Perioperative Pathway for People with Diabetes’

This JBDS – IP project is being led by Umesh Dashora, Debbie Stanisstreet, and Erwin Castro. The submissions will be judged against predetermined criteria, by an independent panel chaired by Rowan Hillson, and the winner will be presented with the prestigious annual Rowan Hillson Inpatient Safety Award at the ABCD Spring meeting 2020.  The outcome of this initiative will be published on the ABCD, Diabetes UK and DISN UK Group websites to share excellent practice.