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ABCD Diabetes Update 2025

The Diabetes Update programme is an initiative for trainees in diabetes and endocrinology. It aims to cover the diabetes section of the training curriculum for diabetes and endocrinology issued by the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board. It is also a great opportunity for more established clinicians to find out the latest updates in the area of diabetes.

ABCD Diabetes Update 2024


31st January - 2nd February 2024.

The Diabetes Update programme is a new initiative for trainees in diabetes and endocrinology. It aims to cover the diabetes section of the training curriculum for diabetes and endocrinology issued by the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board. It is also a great opportunity for more established clinicians to find out the latest updates in the area of diabetes.

Maintaining and delivering diabetes services during COVID-19 Pandemic

ABCD has been working with the In-Patient Diabetes lead for Diabetes UK, Prof Gerry Rayman, and a group of Specialists in Diabetes to produce much needed guidance describing the maintenance and delivery of specialist diabetes services during COVID-19.

The document is intended for those involved in delivering and redesigning diabetes services in the light of this pandemic. It recognises the importance of maintaining certain elements of the diabetes service which will be essential in reducing the burden on hospitals and supporting inpatient teams.

On-demand webinar: Supporting people living with diabetes to achieve better outcomes: Impact of the ABCD audit programme – update December 2024

What have we learned from the large national and international real world data sets over the last 15 years and in particular what are we still learning? How can you contribute and what is the benefit to you of you contributing? What are the ambitions of ABCD for the audit programme over the next two years?

Learning points

Rowan Hillson Inpatient Diabetes Award for 2024 Winner

The Rowan Hillson Inpatient Diabetes Award for 2024 was awarded to Dr Vishakha Bansiya and team (Cambridge) for their project entitled “Pilot real world implementation of fully closed loop insulin pump for inpatient glycaemic management in patients with non-type 1 diabetes”. 

The runner up was Dr Helen Partridge and team (Bournemouth) for their project on “In patient diabetes management and support of people with type 1 diabetes and disordered eating T1DE in an eating disorders unit”. 

The call for submissions for the 2025 award will be out soon.

Supporting people living with diabetes to achieve better outcomes: Impact of the ABCD audit programme – update December 2024

Registration is still open for this webinar: Register now

What have we learned from the large national and international real world data sets over the last 15 years and in particular what are we still learning? How can you contribute and what is the benefit to you of you contributing?  What are the ambitions of ABCD for the audit programme over the next two years?

Hybrid Closed Loops Resources (HCL)

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommended that HCL technology should be rolled-out in a phased implementation, over the next 5 years, to thousands of patients.

The first phase of the roll-out to NHS integrated care systems began in April 2024. All patients have been advised to continue to attend appointments as normal and discuss options with their diabetes team.

To support HCPs, we've brought together a range of resources to support your patients with this life changing technology.