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Inpatient Diabetes Conference 2024

When: Tue 11 Jun 2024 from 8:45am to 5:00pm
Where: Royal Society of Medicine
Theme: What to do and what not to do

Join us for this valuable face to face conference, in association with The Royal Society of Medicine and the Joint British Diabetes Societies (JBDS) for Inpatient Care as we focus on the management of diabetes in an inpatient setting.

How to be a good Chief Investigator for clinical trials - three workshops

Three one-day workshops will be hosted by Leeds Institute of Clinical Research, Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit, and Cardiff Centre for Trials Research. The workshops will run in February, April and the autumn, and are designed for current and aspiring Chief Investigators of clinical trials. The session objective is to empower attendees to excel in the conduct of clinical trials through effective collaboration with a clinical trials unit.

The workshops provide a unique format featuring expert guidance, interactive sessions, and a collaborative learning environment. 

8th Annual Ramadan Conference

Supporting Health Needs in Ramadan: A Healthcare Approach

The 8th SAHF & DaR Annual Ramadan Conference will be held as in-person event on Thursday 8th February, 2024 at the Royal College of Physicians in London. This event will be hosted and co-chaired by Professor Wasim Hanif and Professor Mohamed Hassanein.

Webinar: Diabetes and Ramadan

Ramadan is the Holy Month for Muslims; a time of worship, self-discipline, austerity and charity. Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam and is obligatory for all Muslims.

Providing high quality pre-Ramadan education reduces the risks for people with diabetes who choose to fast. Therefore, it is vital that healthcare professionals who support people with diabetes have a good grasp of the effects of the significant changes in lifestyle during Ramadan and how diabetes management needs to be modified.

Research Grant applications invited

Now in its fourth year, we are delighted to re-advertise the clinical grant funding scheme from The Diabetes Care Trust and The Association of British Clinical Diabetologists for 2024.

Applications are invited from ABCD Members for high quality clinically based studies costing up to £50,000 relating to the management and care of people with diabetes. Applicants should be in the early stages of their career.

Oral semaglutide now available again – please contribute to the ABCD oral semaglutide audit

Oral semaglutide is available to prescribe again and is now effectively the only GLP-1 receptor agonist available.  So, this is an opportune time for ABCD members to contribute to the ABCD oral semaglutide audit.  As with all our audits, all contributors will be acknowledged in publications emanating from the audit and the biggest contributors will become co-authors.

Appointment of Dr Clare Hambling as the new National Clinical Director for Diabetes and Obesity

ABCD welcomes the appointment of Dr Clare Hambling as the new National Clinical Director for Diabetes and Obesity.

Professor Ketan Dhatariya (who is a fellow Norfolk resident) said:

“We are delighted that NHSE has chosen a primary care colleague to lead the development of diabetes services across England. I, and many other ABCD members, have worked with Clare in the past and of course, we have worked closely with NHSE and the previous NCDs over many years. As such we look forward to having a very fruitful collaborative partnership with Clare going forward.”