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JBDS 03 Management of adults with diabetes undergoing surgery and elective procedures: improving standards - Archive

The Joint British Diabetes Societies (JBDS) for Inpatient Care group was created in 2008 to â€˜deliver a set of diabetes inpatient guidelines and proposed standards of care within secondary care organisations’, with the overall aim of improving inpatient diabetes care through the development and use of high quality evidence based guidelines, and through better inpatient care pathways.

New Guidance from The National Inpatient Diabetes COVID19 Response Group

The National Inpatient Diabetes COVID19 Response Group has published guidance for healthcare professionals on managing hyperglycaemia/diabetes in a COVID Virtual Ward for patients with or without diabetes. This is to support safe management of hyperglycaemia in those receiving glucocorticoid treatment for COVID-19 infection outside of a hospital environment.

RT-CGM and flash glucose monitoring not recognised By DVLA for G2 Drivers with Insulin Treated Diabetes

The use of technologies to monitor diabetes is expanding rapidly. The flash glucose monitoring (FSL) is allowed for clinical use in selected group of individuals with type 1 Diabetes in the UK. 

In GB, there are 1428 drivers with type 1 Diabetes who currently hold a Group 2 (lorry and bus) Driving licence. The regulation to allow insulin treated individuals with diabetes to drive, was allowed, several years ago when UK was an EU member.

Canagliflozin use in patients with reduced renal function at baseline is still associated with significant improvements in multiple parameters: results from the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) canagliflozin audit

TSJ Crabtree1,2,3, K Dhatariya4, D Sennik5, A Rohilla5, S Sivappriyan6, D Barnes6, S Soo6, I Gallen7, REJ Ryder1 on behalf of ABCD canagliflozin audit contributors9

1. Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust

2. University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Trust

3. University of Nottingham

4. Norfolk and Norwich NHS Trust

5. Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust; West Essex CCG

6. Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

The impact of empagliflozin on eGFR and albuminuria: results from the ABCD nationwide empagliflozin audit

TSJ Crabtree1,2,3, J Elliott4, A Bickerton5, A Evans6, S Phillips6, K Dhatariya7, I Gallen8, REJ Ryder1; on behalf of ABCD empagliflozin audit contributors9


1 Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust

2 University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Trust

3 University of Nottingham

4. Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

5 Yeovil District Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

6 Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust