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JBDS 17 The management of glycaemic control in people with cancer

The Joint British Diabetes Societies (JBDS) for Inpatient Care group was created in 2008 to ‘deliver a set of diabetes inpatient guidelines and proposed standards of care within secondary care organisations’, with the overall aim of improving inpatient diabetes care through the development and use of high quality evidence based guidelines, and through better inpatient care pathways.

DCT and ABCD Research Grant open for applications

We are proud to launch a new grant funding scheme from The Association of British Clinical Diabetologists and The Diabetes Care Trust for high quality clinically based studies costing upto £50,000. We would particularly like to encourage applications from those at an earlier stage of their clinical and academic training, and clinical projects relating to the management and care of people with diabetes.

ABCD and Renal Association Standards of Care for Glycaemic Assessment in People with Diabetes on Haemodialysis

People with diabetes on haemodialysis represent a complex group that are at high-risk for medical complications including hypoglycaemia. Furthermore, these individuals have historically not received the attention to their glycaemic control that would be required for their long-term health and expected according to guidelines for managing people with diabetes. The glycaemic assessment of individuals on haemodialysis is difficult to interpret owing to inaccuracies in commonly used measures of glycaemia.