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EXTOD Healthcare Professionals Conference 2023

Thursday 9th - Friday 10th November 2023, Oxford

EXTOD Conference returns in 2023 with a new and extended format. 

This two-day conference will cover the core learning of previous EXTOD conferences, and will also offer an advanced second day to build on foundation knowledge. 

Delegates can choose to book one or two days (please note that in order to book Day 2 (Advanced) you will have needed to have previously attended an EXTOD conference).

Clinical Guideline: Guidelines for managing continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII, or ‘insulin pump’) therapy in hospitalised patients

These guidelines are designed to support the in-patient care of people with type 1 diabetes managed on CSII therapy. They were developed by a multi-disciplinary group of health care professionals and a patient on behalf of the Diabetes Technology Network and the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists. It has been further reviewed by national diabetes societies. It conforms to other national guidelines for diabetes / pregnancy care.

Best Practice Guides and Top Tips

A group of clinicians with expertise in continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) from across the UK have been meeting regularly to discuss and share their best practice. We have summarised the outcomes of these discussions in the published Best Practice Guides below. 

We extremely grateful to Parth Narendran and Ali Karamat and team for developing the guide for those hospitalised on CSII and also to Peter Hammond and team for the development of the CSII clinical guide for adult services.

Connected Pens

These educational modules on Connected Pens feature the perspectives of Dr Emma Wilmot and Dr Pratik Choudhary. The series covers clinical scenarios and needs and choices as they relate to connected pens.