9.30 | Registration and refreshments | |
9.55 | Welcoming address | Vidya Srinivas, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital |
10.00 | Weight loss and diabetes remission | Roy Taylor, Newcastle University |
10.45 | Management of gastroparesis | Neil Bowron, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital |
11.30 | Refreshment break | |
11.45 | MDT presentations | |
13.00 | Lunch | |
14.00 | Diabetes & sleep (virtual presentation) | Abd Tahrani, University Hospitals Birmingham |
14.45 | Refreshment break | |
15.00 | Carbohydrates and diabetes (virtual presentation) | Nita Forouhi, Cambridge |
15.45 | Hypoglycaemia: new causes, new solutions | Nick Finer, World Obesity Federation, UK |
16.30 | Prize presentations | |
16.45 | Meeting closes |
This event has been instigated and organised by ABCD. Sponsors have contributed funding towards this event in return for exhibition space. They have had no input into the agenda or the selection of speakers with the exception of any sponsored symposia which are clearly indicated.