Diabetes trainees train in diabetes, endocrinology and general medicine and most are involved in the acute take. The national organisation of trainee diabetologists is the Young Diabetologists & Endocrinologists Forum (YDEF) and ABCD works closely with YDEF - a member of the YDEF committee sits on the ABCD committee.
Why join ABCD? |
ABCD - benefits of membership | ABCD is the national association of diabetologists working on the front line. It is committed to the preservation and support of diabetes specialist care services ..... |
ABCD support to SpRs and New Consultants 2012 | Slides by ABCD Chairman, Dr Chris Walton, shown at the Consultant and Specialist trainees professional networking meeting, DUK 2012 professional conference, Glasgow, March 8, 2012. |
Ten reasons to join ABCD | YDEF's ten reasons .... |
ABCD trainees meetings |
Annual meeting | An ABCD SpR meeting is held annually to follow on form the Autumn meeting main meeting of the association. For details of the next meeting see under "Events" above. |
Win a £1000 prize | For the SpR meeting, abstracts of research and case presentations are invited and the best four will be selected for presentation. The ABCD SpR Training Award will be given to the best of these presentations. This prize of £1000 will go towards attendance at an international meeting. |
Previous SpR meetings | All ABCD SpR meetings since 2000 |