Association of British Clinicial Diabetologists
Spring Meeting
Renaissance Manchester City Centre Hotel
Manchester 21st & 22nd April 2016
1 Insulin degludec improves minor, severe and nocuturnal hypoglycaemia in Type 1 diabetes: Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) nationwide insulin degludec audit
Lumb A(1;) Abraham R(2); R Harper (3), Bain SC(4), Rea R(1), Ryder REJ (5); on behalf of the ABCD nationwide degludec audit contributors
(1) Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, Oxford; (2) London Medical Clinic, London; (3) The Ulster Hospital, Belfast; (4) Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University NHS Trust, Swansea/Neath; (5) Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust, Birmingham
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2 Title Mortality, morbidity, weight and metabolic outcomes 15 years after very low calorie diet therapy in 325 persons.
Paisey RB (1); Daniels C (2); Howitt W (3), Bromige R (4);Greatorex D (5); Campbell C (1), Paisey CF 6); Frost J (1).
(1) Diabetes research unit, Torbay Hospital, Torquay, TQ2 7AA; (2) Chilcote surgery, Torquay, TQ1 3LA; (3) Pembroke House surgery, Paignton, TQ3 2EZ; (4) Compass House Medical Centre, Brixham, TQ5 9TH; (5) Kingsteignton Medical Practice, Newton Abbot,TQ12 3NW; (6) University of Notttingham Medical School
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3 The Glycaemic Response to Dapagliflozin according to Intensity of Background Diabetes Treatment or Duration of Type 2 Diabetes: the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists Nationwide Dapagliflozin Audit
Ken Yan Thong(1), Yadagiri M(2), Sen Gupta P(2), Winocour P(3), Joshi M(4), Wilding J(5), Stephens JW(6), Bain SC(6), Robinson A(7), Gallen IW(8), Adamson KA(9), Ryder REJ(2)
University of Western Australia(1), Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust(2), East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust(3), Guy's and St Thomas NHS Trust(4), Aintree University NHS Trust(5), Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University NHS Trust(6), Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust(7), Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust(8), West Lothian NHS Trust(9)
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4 Will empagliflozin reduce mortality in the real world?
McGovern AP; Hinton W; de Lusignan S Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, GU2 7XH
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5 Improved clinical outcomes after embedding structured education for type 1 diabetes without additional manpower resource
Hopkinson HE Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board
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6 Ward-based management of abnormal glucose levels with a multi-disciplinary team approach
Farouk L, Stapleton C, Carter-Jones C, Lomas J, Francis B, Patel D. Royal Free Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
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7 Which insulin regimens are used in patients newly-diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes? Results of an electronic survey of healthcare professionals in the UK and Ireland.
Taylor C(1) Elliott J(1), Hopkinson H(2) (1)Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; (2)Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Trust Click here to view poster
8 Blood glucose and Insulin Management of Mothers with pre existing diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2 DM) and Gestatational diabetes during delivery.
Rafique S, Castro E, Dashora U, Sathiskumar P. East Sussex Health Care Trust
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9 Comparison between the WHO 2013 criteria against the WHO 1999 criteria in diagnosing Gestational Diabetes Mellitus; A Follow-up Cohort study
Hanna F, Duff CJ, Hitchin S-A, Hodgson E, Fryer AA Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology & Department of Clinical Biochemistry, University Hospitals of North Midlands, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST4 6HG
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Agha A, Jones S; Kinson N Department of Diabetes, Good Hope Hospital, Sutton Coldfield
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