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Videos showing how to analyse your data in the ABCD FreeStyle Libre and other ABCD audits

How to do it videos

We have created a series of videos to help you analyse your data in the ABCD audit programme. Whilst these concentrate on the FSL audit, the same analysis methods can be applied to any of the ABCD audits of new diabetes therapies and devices.  The videos are on the ABCD YouTube channel. The whole video programme lasts about 48 minutes and can be watched from start to finish or you can choose from the episodes as outlined as follows:

1. Chris Walton and Bob Ryder introduce the ABCD audit programme and Bob introduces and outlines all the how to do it videos being provided (4.05 mins).

2. Emma Wilmot and Nicola Taylor from Derby discuss challenges they have had with gathering the data for the audit and the solutions they found in Derby – you may find these tips useful in your own service (5.59 mins).

3. Emma Wilmot downloads the Derby data into an Excel spreadsheet ready to be analysed (1.33 mins).

4. Iskandar Idris analyses the Derby data with regard to Gold score using the pivot table system in Microsoft Excel (9.14 mins).

5. Iskandar Idris analyses the Derby data with regard to HbA1c using the pivot table system in Microsoft Excel (7.02 mins). 

6. Harshal Desmukh downloads the Hull data (in the same way that Emma Wilmot did for Derby data) and demonstrates how to analyse the data a different way using a freely available program called “R”.  R is very easy to use and does the statistics for you (4.29 mins).

You can download the programming code written by Harshal to do the following:

-Calculate the average pre-FSL and average post-FSL HbA1c and do a t.test, Mann-Whitney U test and also draw a box plot of pre and post-FSL HbA1c
-Calculate average pre-FSL and average post-FSL gold score and do a t-test and draw a box plot
-Give total number of pre and post FSL hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia-DKA related admissions and paramedic call outs

7. Bob Ryder demonstrates analysis of data using an alternative easy method – “sophisticated analysis” (15.59 mins).


Further information

Further enquiries may be made to the ABCD nationwide audits database administrator of the project, Melissa Cull.