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DTN-UK Educators Day 2025 - Sponsor Information for the London event, 14th March

Thank you again for sponsoring the DTN-UK Educator Day taking place at Mary Ward House, London on 14th March.

We are looking forward to welcoming you!

Please see the information below relating to your attendance at the conference.  For queries prior to the event, please contact us on 01675 477602 or via During the conference please use contact number 07904 889016 or please ask personnel to contact the on site team at the registration desk.

Attending personnel
If you have not already done so, please confirm the names, email addresses & dietary/ access requirements for your two attending company personnel. We require these details by Friday 28th February.

Attending personnel are welcome to join the lectures during the conference, space permitting.  We would ask that delegates are allowed to take their seats first.  Capacity in the workshops will be limited and so we ask that no personnel join these sessions. 

Additional personnel
One additional member of company personnel can be admitted to the meeting (a total of three attendees per company).  The fee for the additional person is £200 + VAT and must be invoiced prior to the meeting taking place.  If you wish to register an additional person to attend this meeting, please contact 

Meeting information
The meeting programmes, details of the venue, travel & further event information can be viewed on the website: 

ABCD Registration desk
The ABCD registration desk will be located outside the main meeting room, Brewer & Smith located on the lower ground floor throughout the event. Please ask your personnel to come and register at the desk on arrival and they will receive their badge and be directed to the allocated exhibition space. We request that badges are worn throughout the meeting. The conference organising team will be based at this desk throughout the event should you have any queries. 

Conference web pages
All delegate materials for these meetings will be available on the dedicated conference web pages, which can be viewed via your phone or tablet. All attending personnel will be emailed an invitation to download the pages prior to the meeting.

Please note that we are unable to provide a delegate list for this event due to GDPR restrictions.  Delegates will be invited to sign up to the delegate directory, housed with the conference web pages, which will allow delegates to share their details with other event attendees and allow contact to be made.

Meeting rooms
The following meeting rooms will be used during the event;

Lower ground floor foyer - Registration and ABCD welcome desk
Brewer & Smith (lower ground floor) - Plenary
Morris, Arnold & Martineau (lower ground floor) - Exhibition and catering
Emerson and Hershel rooms (ground floor) - Workshops

Exhibition Room
Exhibition stands will be set up in the Arnold, Morris and Martineau rooms which will be used for the tea and coffee breaks & lunch also. This area is on the lower ground floor of the venue, and is easily accessed via stairs or lift access. 

Please note that tablecloths will NOT be provided for this meeting, please provide a cloth if required for your stand.

Stand dimensions
These are small meetings and as such we cannot accommodate large exhibition stands. Pull up banner stands or freestanding pop up stands would be most appropriate.  Stands may be freestanding or table-top – the tables available will be 4ft.

Stand set up
Set up times are as follows:

  • 14th March 2025 – 07.00 – 08.30am

Please note that there is no offloading space at Mary Ward House, if you require to drop off materials, please contact in advance to arrange this with the venue.

Stand breakdown
Break down of stands may commence following the afternoon refreshment break at 1530. No stands may be removed before this time. All stands must be removed by 18.00 hours on 14th March.

Sending stand materials

Please note to add the following to any items being delivered to Mary Ward House.

Deliveries to the venue can only be accepted 24 hours prior to the date of the event. Deliveries accepted between 0900 – 1600hrs.

All items being collected must be collected no later than 48 hours post event.

Delivery address:
Rafaela Rosas, MWH Events team 
Mary Ward House 
5-7 Tavistock Place

Please include the following information on any packages sent:

Name of the event:
Point of contact on the day:
Contact details: 
(Tel or Email to confirm delivery)
Date of the event:
Conference Room:
No. of Boxes: ……………….  Of ………………………..

Alternatively, you can print and complete this delivery label.

For further information relating to the delivery/ collection of stand materials, please contact

Please note that neither the venue, Red Hot Irons Ltd nor ABCD or DTN will accept any liability for packages or equipment

All refreshments & lunch will be served in the exhibition rooms - Arnold, Morris & Martineau. 

We will endeavour to cater for any dietary requirements that have been specified before the day but regret that it may not be possible to provide a special diet if we have not been notified in advance.

Free wireless internet is available to all delegates during the meeting. 

For queries prior to the event, please contact us on 01675 477602 or via On the conference days please use contact number 07904 889016 or please ask personnel to contact the on site team at the registration desk.