Mr. Tim Street
Expert with Experience

Tim has lived with type 1 diabetes for 30 years. In that time he’s never been one to let it get in his way, and has played cricket, run half marathons, travelled the world and generally enjoyed life. He has always been a technophile and was aware of CGM systems ten years ago, however was always put off getting involved with the price. When Abbott released the Libre, he saw it as an opportunity to get better information about his diabetes at a cost that he could countenance. Following this, in 2015, when he and a friend were investigating what it might take to create an artificial pancreas, he discovered OpenAPS and the WeAreNotWaiting movement, and, excited at what he saw, joined in.
He has been running the website in his spare time since then, looking at technology and treatments for type 1 and undertaking n+1 observational studies of the data that all the systems he uses generate, to gain better insights into himself and how the systems interact with diabetes. He shares this with the world to help them make their own decisions about the things he investigates, and has spoken at a number of events to help publicise the benefits of DIY artificial pancreas systems.
He has recently been investigating alternative approaches to determining and calculating insulin sensitivity within an automated insulin delivery system, alongside how to optimise DIY algorithms to remove the onus to bolus.
He has been running the website in his spare time since then, looking at technology and treatments for type 1 and undertaking n+1 observational studies of the data that all the systems he uses generate, to gain better insights into himself and how the systems interact with diabetes. He shares this with the world to help them make their own decisions about the things he investigates, and has spoken at a number of events to help publicise the benefits of DIY artificial pancreas systems.
He has recently been investigating alternative approaches to determining and calculating insulin sensitivity within an automated insulin delivery system, alongside how to optimise DIY algorithms to remove the onus to bolus.
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The Association of British Clinical Diabetologists is the national organisation of Consultant Physicians in Britain who specialise in Diabetes Mellitus. Most are also Acute General Physicians, and many are also Specialists in Endocrinology and Lipid Metabolism.