ABCD Announcements Archive
Professor Ketan Dhatariya
Due to the pressure on hospital teams during the COVID pandemic, we have postponed the 2021 competition but are launching a revamped award for 2022 which has been amended to take into account the…
Professor Gerry Rayman
The National Inpatient Diabetes COVID19 Response Group has published guidance for healthcare professionals on managing hyperglycaemia/diabetes in a COVID Virtual Ward for patients with or without…
Dr. Dinesh Nagi
The use of technologies to monitor diabetes is expanding rapidly. The flash glucose monitoring (FSL) is allowed for clinical use in selected group of individuals with type 1 Diabetes in the UK.…
Professor Parth Narendran
The newly formed ABCD academic subcommittee are inviting applications from trainees in diabetes and endocrinology to join their board.
The committee feel it is important to include and involve…
Professor Ketan Dhatariya
Junior doctors are invited to apply for a position with the Joint British Diabetes Societies for Inpatient Care (JBDS). This unremunerated post is designed to help refresh and update the existing…
Dr. Ansu Basu
After a lengthy gestation of a few years whilst new trial data became available, ABCD is, at last, pleased to announce a Position Statement on the Cardiovascular Impact of New Diabetes Medications –…
Professor Edward Bernard Jude
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused devastation across the globe and the virus seems to be spreading unabated. It has been demonstrated that countries that are most affected are the ones that are in…
Dr. Dipesh Patel
Following the completion of the terms of office of two of the ABCD officers, we are now seeking nominations and inviting applications from members to stand for election for the following…
Professor Ketan Dhatariya
This is unique opportunity for someone to join the Specialist Clinic Exam board. Ideally the person will be a generalist, practicing day to day diabetes and endocrinology. However, recognised…
Professor Pratik Choudhary
With over 30,000 people admitted to hospital with Covid-19, and up to a third of them with diabetes, we know you are working flat out. With the use of steroids in many patients, the need for glucose…
Dr. Dipesh Patel
Released on 20th January 2021 by London NHS, London COVID-19 dexamethasone and hyperglycaemia: diabetes de-escalation guidance is now available for download.
Dr. Dipesh Patel
The statement from PCDS, supported by ABCD and Diabetes UK contains useful updated information to share with community colleagues and patients.