DTN-UK have been in contact with all companies supplying insulin pump, continuous glucose monitoring and flash glucose monitoring in the UK at this time. We can reassure all users of diabetes technology that none of these companies are anticipating significant interruptions to their supply chain due to the Coronavirus crisis. We would ask that people do not attempt to stockpile supplies of consumables as this is unnecessary and may create problems for other users. If demand remains as normal, there will be no shortages. Companies may experience short term supply problems with some items, as is usual, but if this occurs these are expected to resolve quickly. You will be contacted in the event that this situation changes.
For insulin pump users whose warranties are due to expire soon, the companies involved have agreed that warranties will be extended. Please see the statement from Medtronic and the statement from Roche. For Omnipod, Insulet have stated that users requiring a replacement PDM will be assisted regardless of manufacturing warranty, with any replacement issued being of the same model currently being used. DTN are very grateful for these commitments, which will allow users to continue to benefit from insulin pump therapy without needing to attend appointments for a pump upgrade. We will release a further statement later this week regarding remote insulin pump upgrades and CGM starts.