Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2011; 93(2): e87-e91
Response at 3 months to insulin dose decisions made at exenatide initiation in the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) nationwide exenatide audit
K.Y. Thong a,1, B. Jose a,1, A.D. Blann a,1, M.L. Cull a,1, A.P. Millsa,1 , T. Sathyapalanb,1 , C. Waltonb,1 , R.E.J. Rydera,1 On behalf of the ABCD nationwide exenatide contributors†
aCity Hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom
bHull Royal Infirmary, Hull, United Kingdom
†List of ABCD nationwide exenatide contributors (see Appendix A)