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Canagliflozin use in patients with reduced renal function at baseline is still associated with significant improvements in multiple parameters: results from the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) canagliflozin audit

TSJ Crabtree1,2,3, K Dhatariya4, D Sennik5, A Rohilla5, S Sivappriyan6, D Barnes6, S Soo6, I Gallen7, REJ Ryder1 on behalf of ABCD canagliflozin audit contributors9

1. Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust

2. University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Trust

3. University of Nottingham

4. Norfolk and Norwich NHS Trust

5. Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust; West Essex CCG

6. Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

7. Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust

8. Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust

9. Association of British Clinical Diabetologists

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