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7th Joint Meeting of ABCD & UKKA 2025 Programme

The conference has been instigated and organised by ABCD. Sponsors* have contributed funding towards this event in return for exhibition space. They have had no input into the agenda or the selection of speakers with the exception of any sponsored symposia which are clearly indicated.
*A. Menarini Farmaceutica Internazionale ERL, AstraZeneca UK, Bayer Public Limited Company, Boehringer-Ingelheim and Lilly Alliance, Daiichi Sankyo UK, Medice UK Ltd, Novo Nordisk

Joint Meeting of ABCD and UKKA - Session 1

Chaired by Dr Sagen Zac-Varghese and Debasish Banerjee



Dr. JANAKA KARALLIEDDE , Guy's and St Thomas Hospital London and King's College London

Diabetic kidney disease – a personal perspective

Mr. Daniel Newman

Management of DKA and emergencies in DKD

Professor Ketan Dhatariya , Norfolk and Norwich Hospitals

Obesity related CKD and role of GLP-RA FLOW main paper SELECT

GLP-1 treatment in Diabetic Kidney Disease-Insights from the FLOW trial, Dr Srikanth Bellary

Emerging role of incretins in treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease, Professor Naveed Sattar (presenting virtually)

Dr. Naveed Sattar , University of Glasgow
Dr. SRIKANTH BELLARY , Aston University & University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

Refreshment break


Joint Meeting of ABCD and UKKA - Session 2

Chaired by Rosa Montero and Parijat De


Diabetic foot

Professor Frances Game , University Hospitals of Derby & Burton NHS Foundation Trust


Professor Sunil Bhandari , Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and Hull York Medical School

The renal diabetes diet – challenges and choices

Mrs. Amita Godse , Freeman hospital , NHS Trust



Joint Meeting of ABCD and UKKA - Session 3

Chaired by Tahseen Chowdhury and Gabrielle Goldet


Case presentations


CKD in pregnancy

Dr. Anita Banerjee , Guys and St Thomas's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Refreshment break


Joint Meeting of ABCD and UKKA - Session 4

Chaired by Ritwika Mallik and Mona Wahba


Post transplant diabetes – clinical challenges

Professor Adnan Sharif , Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham

Guidelines on the management of DM in dialysis

Dr. Andrew Frankel , Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Dr. Parizad Avari , Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Close of meeting