Gerry Rayman
Co-opted member of ABCD (Diabetes Care) Ltd Committee representing Diabetes UK and National Inpatient Programme Lead
Gerry is a consultant physician and Head of Service at the Diabetes and Endocrine Centre and the Diabetic Foot Clinic, Ipswich Hospitals NHS Trust.
Gerry contributes to research into complications of diabetes, particularly foot complications. His interests include the application of new technologies to diabetes care including glucose sensing and methodologies in early detection of diabetic neuropathy.He has also been involved in developing group education programmes in diabetes including the DESMOND and the Families, Adolescents and Children’s Teamwork Study programmes (FACTS; group education for families). Gerry has introduced and led a number of education initiatives for SpRs including the Foundation course and the ABCD SpR meeting. He has been the Clinical Lead for Diabetes Inpatient Care and foot disease at NHS Diabetes. Gerry was the innovator and the lead of the National Diabetes Inpatient Audit. He is currently Specialist Advisor to Diabetes UK and President of the Endocrine and Diabetes Section of the Royal Society of Medicine. He is the Clinical Lead for Diabetes UK’s ‘Putting Feet First’ campaign and has contributed to NICE guidelines on the diabetic foot, CG10 and CG119. He is a member of the current NICE clinical development guideline group on integrated foot care.
Contact Dr Rayman HERE