Professor Iskandar Idris

University of Nottingham
Iskandar Idris is a Professor of Diabetes & Metabolic Medicine at the University of Nottingham and an Honorary Consultant Endocrinologist and General Physician at the University Hospitals of Derby Foundation trusts. He is a principal investigator within the MRC Musculoskeletal Physiology & Ageing, the Nottingham NHR BRC Centre of Metabolism and Ageing and Physiology (COMAP) and Graduate Entry Medicine Vascular Research group. He is a panel member to various national research bodies (Independent Scientific Advisory Committee MHRA-CPRD, Diabetes UK Clinical Study group), World Editor for Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism (DOM) NOW, Associate editors to DOM and the British Journal of Diabetes. Since 2012, he has been principal supervisor to 13 PhD students (7 have been awarded PhD and 6 ongoing). He is currently the Regional Speciality advisor for Specialist Training in Diabetes & Endocrinology for Health Education East Midlands.