Professor Sir John Cunningham

Royal Free Hosp/UCL Med School
John Cunningham holds positions as Professor of Nephrology at University College London Medical School and The Royal Free Hospital and an Honorary Fellowship at Trinity Hall Cambridge. His training has been in Cambridge, Oxford, London and the USA. He is a clinician and researcher with contributions to the understanding of influence of simulated uraemia on the release of cytokines by bone cells, bone loss following renal transplantation and control of parathyroid function by modified vitamin D metabolites and calcimimetics, areas that have led to focus on the interactions between mineral metabolism and cardiovascular disease in subjects with CKD and/or diabetes. He serves on various grant giving bodies and charities and is founding co-chairman of the ‘Cardiology, Diabetes and Nephrology At The Limits’ series held under the auspices of UCL, The University of Cape Town, The Brigham and Women’s Hospital and The Lancet.