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Webinar: Re:Mission study – learning from staff and service user insights from the NHS Low Calorie Diet pilot

Man wearing headphones, watching webinar on laptop

NHS England piloted a Low Calorie Diet (LCD) programme, delivered through Total Diet Replacement (TDR) and behaviour change support via 1:1, group or digital delivery, to improve Type 2 Diabetes in adults with excess weight. The impact and implementation of this pilot required evaluation to inform longer-term commissioning decisions.

This session will discuss the findings from the Re:Mission study: a coproduced qualitative and economic evaluation of the NHS LCD pilot, integrated with NHS data to provide an enhanced understanding of the long-term cost effectiveness, implementation, equity and transferability across broad and diverse populations.

The session will examine patient and staff insights, and how the findings have informed the development of the programme and ongoing research.

There will be a Q&A session following the presentation.

Certificates of attendance will be issued to those who attend the live webinar.

This webinar has been instigated and organised by ABCD. The support from our corporate sponsors has allowed us to provide this valuable educational meeting free of charge to all delegates. Sponsors have had no input into the agenda or the selection of speakers.

Please note this webinar is intended for healthcare professionals only.