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Dinesh Nagi

Elected member of ABCD (Diabetes Care) Ltd. Honorary General Secretary

Dinesh is a consultant at the Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust

Dinesh is currently working as a consultant in Diabetes&Endocrinology at Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust and based at Pinderfields Hospital Wakefield.  He has been instrumental in setting up the local Managed Diabetes network and was director of Local retinal Screening Programme till recently.  He also led the service redesign locally, leading to  commissioning of  integrated diabetes care supporting primary care in Wakefield.  His diabetes interests include exercise and sports in diabetes especially its application in management and prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. He was Lead for the West Yorkshire Diabetes Research Network between  2010 -2013 and subsequently served as the Clinical Director of Division of medicine at MYT.  He was a member of Programme Advisory  Group with NICE public health which lead on the development of NICE guidance on Prevention of Type 2 diabetes in those at  high risk.  He also coordinated the national Consultant Workforce Survey on behalf of ABCD/DUK and RCP and  represented the three Diabetes and Endocrine societies on  the RCP council. He is a founder member of the ABCD since 1997 and  fulfilled role as a ABCD committee member, Honorary Meeting Secretary, and currently hold the post of Honorary General Secretary since May 2015.

Contact Dr Nagi HERE