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JBDS enteral feeding forms review - we need your help

We are contacting you on behalf of the Joint British Diabetes Societies (JBDS) for inpatient care group. We are currently undertaking a review of our guideline "Glycaemic management during enteral feeding in stroke" and as part of this are reaching out to secondary care providers for help. While there is some evidence available, we would like to scope what current national practice is when providing glycaemic support for patient with diabetes or hyperglycaemia, regardless of reason for admission, during enteral feeding. 

There are two data collection forms:

Form 1 – The institutional data collection form tells us about your unit and your general approach to managing enteral feeding. This form only needs to be completed once. Please include your trust name when saving the document.

Form 2 – the case-based data collection form is used to collect case specific data to establish the variety of strategies used for the management of diabetes or hyperglycaemia during enteral feeding. We would ideally like five cases in total so you will need five copies of this form. We would like data from when the patient is established on a stable feed regimen, not while on a build-up regimen. Please include your trust name and the case number when saving the document.

When completing these forms please do not include any patient identifiable data not requested and ensure the forms are only submitted via secure to email addresses. It is anticipated this will be completed by or with, a member of the diabetes specialist team.

Please return these forms by secure email to: by 14th January 2022

We hope to publish the results of this survey and will acknowledge all those who contribute to the data collection in the publication.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding this survey please contact Andrea Lake:

Many thanks for taking the time to consider this request.

Andrea Lake
Professor Ketan Dhatariya
Dr Daniel Flanagan
Dr Aled Roberts
Mark Green
(on behalf of the JBDS)