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Drugs used in diabetes now make up 11.4% of total primary care net ingredient costs

NHS England have published their latest data on the prescriptions issued in primary care and dispensed in the community in the treatment of diabetes. The report finds that drugs used in diabetes now make up 11.4% of total primary care net ingredient costs (NIC) and 4.9% of prescriptions issued in the community. In the financial year 2017/18 there were 53.4M items prescribed for diabetes at a total net ingredient cost of £1BN, up by 22.6M prescription items and £421.7M since 2007/08. Data on the prevalence of diabetes, in the population in England, taken from the latest Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), was 6.8% in 2017/18, compared to 9.3%in 2009/10.