Diabetes UK launched the 2016 State of the Nation report at the House of Commons on 13th July amid the Westminster bustle of David Cameron’s final Prime Minister’s questions (PMQ) and the fevered anticipation of who would be in Mrs May’s cabinet. The event was well supported with several MPs arriving after PMQ. The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP (Secretary of State for Health) described strategies being implemented to prevent obesity and the progression to type 2 diabetes, including the Diabetes Prevention Programme. Victoria Atkins MP (Vice –Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Diabetes) chaired the session and Mr Hunt paid tribute to her commitment to diabetes. He particularly acknowledged the support of Diabetes UK and noted the value of the State of the Nation reports for informing government.
State of the Nation 2016 (England) - Time to take control of diabetes is available on the Diabetes UK website: https://www.diabetes.org.uk/About_us/What-we-say/Statistics/State-of-the-Nation-2016-Time-to-take-control-of-diabetes
Caroline Day (Consultant Editor, BJD)