Pictured L to R Parth Narendran and Pratik Choudhary
The Novo Nordisk UK Research Foundation Fellowship (NNUKRF) is now calling for applications from healthcare professionals in all areas related to diabetes for research
and education funding in diabetes for 2023.
The opportunities available are as follows:
- Research Fellowships – This award is open to all healthcare professionals (e.g. doctors, nurses, podiatrists, dieticians…) working indiabetes and wishing to undertake a PhD: 3 years full-time, 4 years full-time with MSc year 1, or 5 years part-time. *Applications for type 1 diabetes projects may be joint funded with JDRF. (Applications close 5th December).
- Research Grants - Small research project grants in diabetes up to £12,000 open to all applicants. (Applications close 5th December).
- Clinical project and education awards - Fund awards for nurses and allied healthcare professionals in diabetes care. Attendance at a national or international meeting (preference to those presenting their work) up to £1,000. An educational activity (eg course or training) up to £2,000. Clinical project up to £5,000. (Applications close 2nd February 2023).
Awards are made on a competitive basis and applicants are preferred to be working in a patient facing role but this is not essential. Application forms and information for Applicants is available on the NNUKRF website.