See: On 3 June 2016 the first patient in the ABCD Endobarrier in obstructive sleep apnoea (End-OSA study) was started on her Endobarrier treatment. The BBC interviewed the patient and filmed the procedure for this news item. The aim is to see if the weight loss associated with Endobarrier treatment allows some patients to no longer require their CPAP overnight ventilation treatment which would be of great benefit to the patient and to the NHS. The patients also have diabetes or pre-diabetes and those problems will also be helped. The study is funded by ABCD and is the second Endobarrier study that they are supporting the first being REVISE-Diabesity ( ). The OSA study news item was broadcast on 27 June 2016. Dr Bob Ryder is chief investigator for the study.
Dr Mahi Yadagiri (ABCD Research Fellow)