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Alan Sinclair

Alan Sinclair

Co-opted member of ABCD (Diabetes Care) Ltd Committee - Lead of ACCEA, Academic Committee

Alan is Professor of Medicine at the University of Bedfordshire and Dean at the Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Postgraduate Medical School.

His interests and current work include work on the production of the European guidelines on diabetes care for older people available on He is co-leading a major EU-funded project on diabetes and frailty (MID-Frail Project) and leading an NIHR-funded study on medication errors in care home residents with diabetes. Alan is the lead for the Older Peoples Diabetes Network which he jointly established in 2012 with NHS Diabetes. He is currently leading a global initiative for the IAGG and have co-chaired an International Working Group to produce global diabetes guidance for older people with the IDF.  Alan founded the Institute of Diabetes for Older People (IDOP) which is now nationally recognised for its significant outputs in the area of diabetes in older people.

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