Papers, abstracts, presentations, posters and webcasts emanating from the audit
DUK 2025 KL Su Khin, T Crabtree, AL Liarakos, V Oguntolu, A Gough, GR Mudiyanselage, KA Adamson, EG Wilmot, I Idris, REJ Ryder. Effectiveness of semaglutide in oral vs subcutaneous injectable formulation: An analysis of UK real-world data in the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) national audit.
Diabetic Medicine, Abstracts of the Diabetes UK Professional Conference 2025, SEC Glasgow, 26‐28 February 2025. P112 (Page 85).
ADA 2023 Thomas S.J. Crabtree, Karen Adamson, Senthilkumar Krishnasamy, May Thin Khine, Parijat De, Rajesh Peter, Robert E. Ryder. Glucose and weight outcomes associated with oral semaglutide in the real-world: Initial results from the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists’ (ABCD) audit. ADA 2023, Diabetes 2023;72(Supplement_1):787-P.
Link to abstract:
The ABCD nationwide semaglutide audit is an independent audit supported by an unrestricted grant from Novo Nordisk