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National Diabetes Audit: Submission update

This is a reminder that the submission deadline for specialist/secondary diabetes services as part of the National Diabetes Audit (NDA) is Thursday 30th June 2022 at 11:59.

Submissions of data (for all patients attending specialist services between 1 January 2021 and 31 March 2022) should be completed before this cut-off date. 

Please note that data from any submissions after 30th June 2022 will not be included in the 2021-22 audit report. However, ALL specialist services WILL be listed in the report with non-submitters highlighted and their performance estimated from other NHS data (*HES outpatient data below). In 2020-21, submissions were received from 108/164 specialist services.

It is important to stress that you should only submit data for care delivered during the audit period of January 2021 to March 2022. NICE Guidance for type 1 diabetes was updated on 31st March 2022. This year’s type 1 audit will establish the baseline.

All submissions are via the NHS Digital Clinical Audit Platform (CAP). If your trust does not yet have access to the Clinical Audit Platform (CAP), it will need to register which includes approval from your organisation’s Caldicott Guardian. This approval, required for all National Clinical Audits, can sometimes take time, so please do not delay if you have not yet registered with CAP. 

The NDA team can help and support organisations. If you have any queries or issues, please contact us as soon as possible to ensure there is enough time to resolve them well before the deadline. 

Important NDA Specialist Service Data Submission Information

The NDA is a mandatory collection as directed by NHS England. Where possible, specialist/secondary diabetes services should submit an extract from their Electronic Patient Records of data corresponding to the full NDA Specification.
However, because not all secondary care yet have electronic records there is an alternative approach to data submission.

Both approaches use the same CAP submission system. The second approach limits data to the mandatory fields comprising NHS number, date of birth and use of real time CGMS (not intermittent scanned CGM, aka Flash, which can be identified from prescriptions), Insulin Pumps and Hybrid Closed Loop systems.

HES Outpatient Data

If a service is unable to submit via CAP or only submits data for technology users via CAP NHSD will endeavour to collate a list of patients being seen in Diabetes clinics using nationally collected HES Outpatient data. This is not recommended. It can never be as accurate as trust data submitted via CAP. However, it should mean that in the 2021-22 NDA Type 1 diabetes Dashboard there is a report for every specialist service.

NDA Data Dashboards

Dashboards will be published for all NDA workstreams, by stages, over this year. The first Type 1 dashboard for 2020-21 will be launched on June 9th 2022 when a National Summary Report will also be published. Two data dashboards for NDA  Care processes and Treatment targets and for NDA Non-Diabetic Hyperglycaemia data were published in March. The dashboards include published data from the 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-2021 audit years. 

These dashboards can be found via the links below. They present population based findings by geography. The Type 1 report will also present data by individual specialist service.

Core: National Diabetes Audit, Report 1- Care Processes and Treatment Targets 2020-21, Underlying data - NHS Digital

DPP: National Diabetes Audit, Non-Diabetic Hyperglycaemia, 2020-21, Diabetes Prevention Programme, Data Release - NHS Digital

We welcome feedback on these dashboards which will evolve in response. Feedback can be provided via the link at the bottom right of the opening page of each dashboard.

Updated Submission Guidance

The NDA will be issuing some updated guidance (including instructional videos) shortly detailing how services can utilise the file upload specification that will allow you to upload data in bulk onto the Clinical Audit Platform. 

If you have any questions about the above please contact,  you may access the reports here.